This Full Moon in Libra will bring some much needed balance to our lives.

Not unlike the balancing of daylight and darkness during the Spring Equinox, this full moon ushers in a cosmic rebalancing that will help you to shift into the next moon phase.
***This full moon in Libra will be the culmination of all the hard work you put in around the time of the new moon!***
Full Moons are known to heighten your emotions, senses, dreams and energy levels.
Because the sun is in Aries and the moon is in Libra, this full moon will be all about relationships and bringing balance to them. Perhaps for you, this means resolving a past issue with someone, or addressing a problem you have with someone that you just keep putting off. Go have that much needed conversation and closure.
***The start of the Astrological New Year comes just one week before the full moon!***
(For those of you who don't follow astrology, the astrological new year is a big freakin' deal!)
March is also the only month in all of 2021 that will not have any major planets going retrograde. If we've learned anything from planet retrogrades, it's that they make you dwell on the past. So enjoy the one month this year that the planets want you to look towards the future. This is a great time to be thinking of what you want the rest of 2021 to look like for you! Similar to making cliche New Years Goals; Think, "I want to lose weight!" "I want to make more money!" but make it cosmic. Set goals instead for yourself that ring to the tune of, "I want to connect more to my friends and family." Or, "I want to spend more time doing what I love."
Pssssst....If you didn't already know, the start of the astrological new year is also the first day of spring!
The fiery, feel good lovey-dovey planet, Venus, also spends some time in the zodiac sign of Aries during this full moon. So your romantic relationships may heat up around this time. Embrace it. Love it. Be careful.
However, if your romantic relationships aren't full of fire and passion in a good way....They may be full of passion in another form; Anger. Because this full moon is all about communication, but Venus and Aries put a confrontational spin on it, tread lightly when discussing sensitive subjects with your partner. Fuses may be short around this time and tempers may be hot. Go ahead and resolve those issues, have those conversations but...Do so with compassion and respect for the other person.
Bonus Activity: Because this full moon coincides so closely with the first day of spring, a great way to usher in this time of growth and renewal is by investing in a new plant. House plant or outdoors, fruit tree or succulent, find something green and alive and nurture it through to fruition. AKA foster your brilliant ideas and plans till they become a reality!
Happy Full Moon!!
Shine Bright!